I woke up this Christmas morning alone. This is a first-time ever for me. The girls are at their grandparents' with their dad. We have never spent a Christmas Eve in separate houses before. I thought this would be the most horrible thing ever, but you know what? I'm o.k.!! Good ol' Siggy was here with me, of course, to keep me company and protect me. I had a great evening, starting with attending the service at church, then a late dinner with the girls & my mom at one of the few places open, then a very special evening with my very special man who, of course, showered me with love and gifts! So I really can't complain. Mark & I even watched the "Ernest" Christmas movie together - what could top that???Still, I had my "moments" - when the tears threatened to overflow and I wanted to just give up the fight and give into the emotion and be a "victim" again. But I didn't. Praise the Lord, I didn't! I even had some other options put before me, but in the end I chose to just stay home in my "comfort zone". And now here I am on Christmas morning in a way-too-quiet house with my loyal four-legged friend beside me, remembering Emmanuel, God with us, and anticipating the big day ahead. In a little while, I will get up, turn on some Christmas music, make my pie, then get ready and head over to my mom's where I will meet up with my sweet girls around noon and we will all celebrate "God With Us" together.
Last night, my dear former father-in-law came by to get a left-behind gift and he wanted to give me a "Christmas hug." As he fought back tears, I was reminded once again that I am not the only person who has suffered through all of this. This was a different Christmas Eve for all of us and they were working through stuff too, having to learn to embrace a different daughter-in-law after 21 years. His sentiment meant a lot to me and I am so thankful that God has preserved this relationship along the way.
Most of all, though, I am thankful for the so-often-needed reminder that I am really never alone. The song we have been singing in church all month really sums it up:
God is with us, He has come to save us; mercy lights the darkness, Christ is here.
God is with us, healer of the broken, word of heaven spoken; Christ is here.
Yes, Christ is here. Which reminds me.......MERRY CHRISTMAS!!