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Friday, July 8, 2011

Bittersweet Vacation & Growing Children

I love the beach and I love vacations, so why would a beach vacation be bittersweet? This is one I will be taking without my precious girls or, of course, my husband. The girls will be going to another beach, over 400 miles away, on a church youth trip while my mom, sister, & I enjoy a 3-day getaway. I am looking forward to it, but in many ways this is a reminder to me of the fact that my children are growing up and before I blink too many more times, they will be leaving the nest. That is a thought I am not ready to embrace at all (I know no mom ever really is, but it's different when the prospect before you is one of being totally alone). But tonight I will not allow myself to think too far in advance. Instead, I will just wish my girls well as I see them off at 5 a.m. (is there even LIFE at that hour???) and then prepare for my own trip later in the day. And, though in some ways it won't be the same without them and I do hope we can still enjoy some vacations together in the future, I will seek to find joy and peace in the fact that I can put my "mom duties" aside for a few days and just relax (hmmm, do I know the meaning of that word?). And I will pray some special prayers for my youngest (12) who has never before taken a trip like this without her "mommy" and is afraid she will get homesick. Lord, may these next few days be a glimpse of heaven - our real home - as we each see Your handiwork in our various settings, and when we all reunite on Wednesday may we have stories to share of Your love, protection and goodness. Look out, Beach, here we come!!!!

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